
Advanced Diploma(Vocational) in IT, Networking & Cloud

“Advanced Diploma (Vocational) in IT, Networking and Cloud” course is very much essential in the current scenario due to a lot of demand in software industries where every industry is using cloud as base. The course is for two years’ duration. In the first year there are five core modules each module is credit base and employable. In second year the trainee will be taking two elective modules out of three electives and will be doing on the job training in Industry for 800 hours. In addition the trainees will pick up employability skills for 160 hours. After passing out the training programme, the trainee will be awarded Technical Diploma by NCVT which has worldwide recognition. ADIT first batch started on 11th November 2019 at NSTI(W), Trivandrum 


                                 Cloud Computing Image



                                    ADIT_IBM First Batch Trainees 


                          ADIT 2019-21 Batch/ First Batch 




                                          ADIT First Batch Inauguration_pic2



The module wise course coverage is categorized as below:-

Core Module 1 (Computer Hardware Maintenance) :  In this module the trainee will learn Safety on handling hand tools , Disassemble and assemble Personal Computer (PC), Troubleshoot Input and Output devices of PC, Using cables and connectors effectively ,Install operating systems,Windows and Linux ,Manage files effectively in Windows and Linux environment, Create document, spread sheets and make presentations using open office, Customize PC in Windows and Linux environment, Secure PC with antivirus, maintain Hardware components of PC.

Core Module 2 (Computer Networking) :  In this module the trainee will learn Basic Computer Network technology, Data Communications System and its components, Network topologies and protocols, Layers of the OSI model and TCP/IP Identify the different types of network devices and their functions within a network , Understand and build the skills of sub netting and routing mechanisms  , Understand the basic protocols of computer networks, and how they can be used to assist in network design and implementation, Understand Client server concepts etc.

        Computer Hardware Maintenance




Core Module 3 (Web Designing) :  In this module the trainee will learn  how to create web pages using HTML 5 ,  Styles of web pages using CSS  Create own account in cloud and launch and track no. of visitors, Host in Amazon web server, Embedded database with different web pages using Mongo DB, Design and develop dynamic websites with PHP, Make websites, web servers, game frameworks, desktop and CLI (Command Language Interpreter) applications, and IDE using Python.

Core Module 4 (Web Development) :  In this module the trainee will be able to create an interactive website using any of the mentioned development language, Integrate application with database, Create multimedia applications by using authoring tools, Gain familiarity with a flexible server-side language: PHP along with front end scripting language HTML 5 and CSS, get exposed to programming concepts of JAVA, Use of HTML and CSS for structuring and styling of the webpage, Enhance their build website by storing and using customer data to generate dynamic page content using PHP.

Core Module 5 (Business Data Analytics) :  In this module the trainee will  understand Business Analytics, Develop business intelligence, Develop graphical representation of data ,Develop cluster analysis and its applications ,Perform data partition method for model evaluation and cross validation ,Data transformation , Demonstrate important predictive models



     Web Development Languages


           Business Data Analytics


     In addition to this the trainee will be learning any two elective modules out of the following three modules.

Elective Module 1 (Cloud Application Developer) : Describe the emerging paradigms that are leading to the adoption of cloud computing and its service model,Use of Cloud platform and its service, Application development on the cloud (using Eclipse, Node.js) , Working with the WebSphere /Deployment environment

Elective Module 2 (Cloud Enterprise Developer) : Build a web application with the Express framework  , Use Web Sphere Development Tools to deploy applications to a server , Hands-on on Cloud Integration. ,Use cloud tools to monitor, tune, and troubleshoot.

                  Cloud Application Developer


Cloud Enterprise Develepor
                    Cloud Enterprise Developer

Elective Module 3 (Web Development using Java)Object Oriented Programming Concepts through Java,Writing programs based on real time scenarios using Java, Configuring Java Web server environment setup for Webpages,Developing simple Web pages using Java Servlets, Web page development & deployment using server-client technology, Web site creation using cookies and sessions, Creating Back-end support for web site, Creation of database from JDBC application etc.

On the Job Training:  In this module the trainees will be working/training in the Industry for 800 hours. They work as apprentices/Personnel

Employability Skills: This module is common for all Diploma courses. In this module the trainees will improve English literacy, Learn communication skills, Understand about of Entrepreneurship, productivity, its benefits, affecting factors, comparison with developed countries, personal finance management, various acts etc.

                               Employability Skill


                   On the Job Training




  • Can pursue higher technical education like BE/B. Tech, MCA.
  • Can start their own enterprise on cloud maintenance, computer hardware maintenance.
  • Can apply for jobs in Industry as system technician, cloud developer, web designer and trainers.



Two Years


Level 6



Industry Connect

                      DGT signed MoU with IBM India Pvt. Ltd

International Business Machines (IBM), is a global technology company that provides hardware, software, cloud-based services and cognitive computing. IBM is also a major research organization.

 As per the MoU

  • they will provide Rs.3000/- per month as Stipend to the trainees during the training period.
  • they will provide Rs. 15000 /- per month for top 70 students based on the merit during face to face internship at IBM Bengaluru.
  • they will provide Rs.5000 /- per month for tthe remaining students for remote internship at IBM or with third party /partners.
  • IBM and its Channel partners will provide the placement support to the students post completion of the course based on over all performance and merit during the course.


                 1. Smt. Sulabha P A, Vocational Instructor, Section-in Charge


Contact details

  • Email:
  • Phone : 0471-2418391



  • Total Visitors: 23269526
  • Unique Visitors: 1439300